Saturday, February 27, 2010

An ocean of books

Jeff has had the wonderful idea to get books into schools in the Pacific Islands, and he's gratefully accepting all donations - not just for the books themselves, but for packaging, assistance with shipping, media attention and so on.

I've just handed over two boxes of books I got together for him - the first a box of all my gratis copies that I get when a new title comes out, that usually gather dust or are given away to people who could actually afford to buy them (which, let's face it, would make me very happy as an author); the second a bunch of books I've bought for my own research to see what's in the market, or just to read for pleasure. I've held on to my Harry Potters and signed originals by my friends, but everything else if fair game ...

I know Wheelers have been fantastic in helping out, and have provided entire class-loads of certain titles. Impressive, huh? I know we can't all offer help on that scale, but I'm sure there are other authors with the odd box of back-list titles sitting around in the shed. Send them to a good home and dig out those spare books for a good cause! Readers too, of course - de-clutter and do some good at the same time.

And if you happen to be a media-savvy shipping magnate with ties to the Islands, get in touch with Jeff - he'll be very glad to hear from you.

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